About Us

The establishment of People Psyence® rose from our intrigue for ‘people watching’ and understanding what makes them tick. Our fascination for the study of humans and their behaviours is our driving force to being the best organisation doctors in town.

While indulging in our first love, psychometric assessments, we fell in love with Design Thinking, a human-centred approach to innovation. This led to us adopting facilitation methods that help to create collaborative dialogues for the purpose of innovation such as LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, Open Space Technology and World Café.

Believing that the Psyence® of People is never dull but is constantly changing and will always stay relevant, we continued adding on more loves to our honeypot.

And yes, you name it, we game it! Using the same tools and mechanics that make the gaming industry a multi-billion-dollar industry, we leverage on user motivation in creating engaging experiences for organisational initiatives.

Sounds like we have lots of loves, right? Well, we just can’t help it because In People, We Find Answers!

Our History

People Psyence® was founded in 2013 with a small team of two. People Psyence® grew quickly, not just in the size of the team, but also in our clientele, and list of service offerings. The timeline below illustrates the People Psyence® journey.

People Psyence® Clientele across Various Industries